2018/19 - 9.º ano

2018/19 - 9.º ano

Book titled 'The Selfish Giant'Read this book made on StoryJumper

1- Swapping families
Benefits os student exchange - clcik here

Video - click here

Erasmus Exchange - video here

Reported Speech 

1- Reported Speech - click here and here

2- Reported statements - here

3- Reported questions - here

4- Reported commands and requests - here

2- Xtreme Holidays

Extreme sports - video

List of extreme sports - here

Crazy extreme sports - here 

Reported Speech 

1- Reported Speech - click here and here

2- Reported statements - here

3- Reported questions - here

4- Reported commands and requests - here

3- Working FUN !!!

This love-themed webquest includes activities on the history of Valentine’s Day, strange facts and amorous quotations.

A world of differences


Smart and Techy

Technology terms - link

Technology vocabulary - link  |  link |

Trendy Jobs 

The Most Trendy Jobs of 2018: the USA edition - link

The 25 Most Promising Jobs For Millennials - link

Vocabulary on jobs - link 

Create your own CV - link

Life changes ...

Walking the red carpet

Celebrities and famous people | Showbiz and entertainment | Writers and books | VIPs | Life is a Stage | Storytellers

Past Continuous - form, use and exercises

Past simple / Past Continuous - how to distinguish them

Present Perfect - form, use and exercises

Past Simple/ Present Perfect - differences between them and exercises

Teaching English Jukebox Resultado de imagem para jukebox

Ready, Steady…Fit

Addictions - linklink

Looks - -  link  |  link  

Food, health and well-being  - link  | link  

Language structure:

Past Perfect -  link |   link |
Questions Tags - link | link |
Modal verbs -  linklink | link 

EARTH DAY - 22nd APRIL 2021

  EARTH DAY - 22nd APRIL 2021 Read this book made on StoryJumper