2020/21 - ENGLISH 9

2020/21 - ENGLISH 9

Hello and welcome to ENGLISH 9...

This year we will be joining the MILAGE LEARN+ project...

(although it was initially intended for Maths...NOW it is also for ENGLISH....)

So dear students let´s start..

Download MILAGE app for students - click here

What goes around, comes around…. 

(a journey into a new culture and people through the art of writing/showing/imaging in a wide variety of forms/formats through digital tools)

Classroom language - click here...

Personal information - questions here

Live Worksheets - here

20th October - Semana sem Bullying

Stop Bullying on the Spot

Topic: Addictions

Watch some videos - herehere

Topic: Body image

Watch some videos - here | here

Since today is WORLD EARTH DAY we are going to do some interactive activities in class.

At 10h15 we will do a 1-minute SILENCE moment... so how would you like to do it? We have to take photos or make a video?


EARTH DAY - 22nd APRIL 2021

  EARTH DAY - 22nd APRIL 2021 Read this book made on StoryJumper